
RK Global Business School

High Experienced Investment Banking Trainer in Hyderabad

Raj Kumar


Experienced Investment Banking Coach

Alladi Anjaiah

Founder & CEO

Best Investment Banking Course institute in Hyderabad.

Ram Thumma



 We believe that learning is a lifelong process. By organizing knowledge with advanced technology and making learning accessible, our goal is to prepare normal students to become best investment bankers in the globe with our global learning community for a futuristic, tech-driven society.

Are You Looking to enhance your finance skills? Aspiring to excel in investment banking? In a competitive industry, it’s vital to stay ahead. Investment banking coaching can help. With professional guidance, get tailored coaching to stand out in the job market.

Investment banking course
RK Global Business School

Make an Extensive Career Growth in your future success with investment banking coaching with RK Global Business School

Courses & Certifications

What is Investment Banking.?

Investment Banking is a special segment of banking operation that helps individuals or organisations raise capital and provide financial consultancy services to them.

They act as intermediaries between security issuers and investors and help new firms to go public. they either buy all the available shares at a price estimated by thier expertsand resell them to public or sell shares on behalf of the issuer and take commission on each share.

what do investerment banks do.?

Investment banks assist in large, complicated financial transactions. They may provide advice on how much a company is worth and how best to structure a deal if the investment bankers client is considering an acquisition, merger, or sale. essentially, their services include underwriting new debt and equality securities for all types of corpotions, providing aidin the sale of securities, and helping to facilities mergers and acquisitions, recognizations, and broker trades for both institutions and private investors.

investment banking

Course Curriculum

Equity Derivatives

  • Basics of derivatives
  • understanding Index

  • Introduction to forwards and futures

  • Introduction to Options

  • Strategies using equity futures and equity options

  • trading mechanism

  • clearing, settlement and risk management

  • Legal and Regulatory Environment

  • Accounting and Taxation

  • Sales Practices and Investor Protection Measures

Mutual Fund Distributors

  • Investment Landscape

  • concept & role of a mutual fund

  • Legal Structure of mutual funds in india

  • legal and regulatory framework

  • scheme related information

  • fund distribution and channel management practices

  • Net asset value, total expense ratio and pricing of units

  • taxation
  • investor services

  • risk, return and performance of funds

  • mutual fund scheme performance

  • mutual fund scheme selection

Meet Our Lead Instructors

Our dedicated faculty, with their wealth of industry experience, add depth and relevance to our programs.

High Experienced Investment Banking Trainer in Hyderabad

Raj Kumar


Our Instructor is a seasoned expert with a proven track record, providing invaluable guidance to help you excel in this competitive field.


Investment banking coaching with our instructor, offering a proven track record & invaluable guidance for your success in this competitive field.

Experienced Investment Banking Coach

Alladi Anjaiah

Founder and CEO

Our Instructor is a seasoned expert with a proven track record, providing invaluable guidance to help you excel in this competitive field.

Expert Investment Banking Faculty

Ram Thumma

Co- Founder

Our Instructor is a seasoned expert with a proven track record, providing invaluable guidance to help you excel in this competitive field.

Guidence & Study Culture

How our Faculty will help you succeed 

In your learning journey: Proactive mentorship throughtout your learning journey

Academic assistance: Provide you with unparalled guidance and support. Pactical guidance and implantation as per the NISM or course module.

Career Guidance: Help you identify jobs that are a perfect fit for you.

Project Support: Help you excel to in – class projects and assignments.

Industry Advice: Advise you on Industry best practices to dive into corporate life

one on one mentorship for our students - rk global business school

Special Attention Towards Students

Scope with RK Global Business School: 

We’re dedicated to giving our students the most modern, forward looking education possible. the education environment, which RK Global Business School is tied to, is known for having the best reputation. Through our more than 500 partnersships with renowned organizations and companies, you can acces a wide rande of options. Join us in our effort to provide the best programs and placement guarantees to prospective applicants. we’ll fill the gap between what businesses need and what colleges teach.

At Our RK Global business school, which is the greatest place to get first-hand experience in the financial markets, students will learn practical skills.

Our Learning Process

we at our institute, train students in the industry-required skill sets that we have designed and that they may use in a variety of areas of the investment banking sector. Students will gain these abilities throught the following methods.

Concrete Experience:

a new experience or a reinterpretation of existing experience

Reflective Observation:

Reflective thinking is performed on the inconsistencies between experience and understanding.

Abstract conceptualization:

Reflection gives rise to new ideas or modifications of existing abstract concepts.

Active Experimentation:

Learner applies their ideas to the world around them to see what happens.